ESPresso Lite V2.0 IoT Starter Kit
ESPresso Lite V2.0 IoT Starter Kit
ESPresso Lite V2.0 is the first low-cost Arduino-compatible ESP8266 WiFi development board to be manufactured in Malaysia. Working together with ESPert, a Singapore IoT technology company, this board allows anyone to learn, experiment and build their IoT projects easily and quickly.
This is specially packed IoT Starter Kit according to the tutorial at www.espressolite.com. It comes with all the necessary component for you to kick start your IoT project. Do refer to the official ESPert tutorial to get started.
Features Espressif System's ESP8266 WROOM-02 Wi-Fi module (with 4Mb flash)
Design for IoT with free espert.io cloud and app service
Support the Arduino IDE (boards manager) and libraries
Auto program loading from Arduino IDE, using UC00A (or other compatible USB to Serial)
Vin: 5 to 12VDC
Operating Voltage: 3.3VDC
On board 3.3V Voltage Regulator with maximum current of 800mA continuous, 1A peak
One Reset button, two User Programmable buttons
WROOM-02 module is FCC, CE & TELEC certified
Breadboard friendly breakout pins
Ready pads for I2C OLED panel
ESPert Forum - Discussion of Espresso Lite
ESP8266 Wiki Page (All different module of ESP)
Espressif Official Forum - All official document and SDK on WROOM and ESP8266
For more information, please visit the product page of ESPresso Lite V2.0