IQFLOW Wireless Power Meter Energy Monitor LoRaWAN Solution Kit
IQFLOW Wireless Power Meter Energy Monitor LoRaWAN Solution Kit
The IQFLOW platform is ideal for Power Metering or Energy Monitoring. All-in-one solution for Power and Energy monitoring applications with device management, visualization, evaluation functions and alarming via e-mail, SMS and data export via open interfaces or file.
- Track building electricity usage to understand energy profiles and manage peak demand
- Verify energy cost savings to determine ROI of new equipment
- Monitor equipment runtimes to ensure efficient operation
- Monitor equipment for leaks to cut wasteful energy consumption
Our focus lies on the Internet of Things and LoRaWAN as a communication technology. By installing a central gateway, hundreds of sensors can be monitored, even if they are distributed over a range of several kilometres. We supply you with the appropriate hardware and set up the monitoring.
Another advantage is that these sensors are mostly battery and solar-powered. Therefore, installation on-site does not usually require any infrastructure such as electricity or networking.
The IQFLOW IoT Power and Energy Meters are all-in-one LoRaWAN® energy monitoring system for various conditions and applications. The IQFLOW Power Meter Solution Kit is designed to withstand the most challenging conditions and is easy to install in different scenarios.
Our non-invasive wireless sensors reduce the need for shutdowns and disruption, easily segregating electrical circuits into consumption categories for easy analysis of energy consumption data.
Here are some key features of the smart energy dashboards:
- Real-time data display;
- Alarms and notifications;
- Detailed energy meter information;
- User-friendly interface;
- Customizable layout;
Our range of Power Metering or Energy Monitoring Solution Kits are flexible, cost-effective, and expandable wireless monitoring systems based on standard LoRaWAN wireless long-range low-power communication. It monitors the energy data in real-time. With straightforward data directly shown on display and cloud platforms, you can always stay informed and alert before it is too late.
Depending on your application and target, we have a large range of Power Metering or Energy Monitoring sensors to offer, please check follow link for the full range:
Link to the full range of power energy monitoring sensors
IQFLOW is a leading Australian technology and Industrial Internet of Things solution provider with extensive expertise in Industrial Sensors, Remote Monitoring and Automation with a specialty in providing customised and tailored solutions for the Telecommunication, Sensing, Environmental Control and Remote Monitoring Industries.
We provide customised Power Metering or Energy Monitoring Solution Kits to provide 24/7 online data on your IQFLOW cloud dashboard with actionable functions and data analysis.
Link to IQFLOW Cloud Platform Information Page
Link to default List of Sensors:
Milesight UC100 LoRaWAN RS485 Power Meter Recorder
CS01 Wireless 4 Channels Current Sensor Converter Energy Meter
Milesight CT10x LoRaWAN Smart Current Transformer Sensor Energy Meter
WS523-10A-AU LoRaWAN Smart Portable Socket
R718N37 Netvox LoRaWAN Wireless 3-Phase Current Meter with 3 X 75A Clamp-On CT
R718N315 Netvox LoRaWAN Wireless 3-Phase Current Meter With 3 X 150A Clamp-On CT
Please contact us for any other solution customisation or request a quote on the website.