DO OEM™ Circuit -Dissolved Oxygen - Atlas Scientific
DO OEM™ Circuit -Dissolved Oxygen - Atlas Scientific
When mass-producing a machine that has dissolved oxygen sensing capabilities, you need low cost, pick, and placeable components. With a small 12 x 11mm footprint, the Atlas Scientific OEM DO Circuit gives you full D.O. sensing capabilities without consuming costly board space.
The Atlas Scientific™ Dissolved Oxygen OEM™ Class Embedded Circuit is the core electronics needed to read Dissolved Oxygen of water from any off the shelf galvanic dissolved oxygen probe. The Dissolved Oxygen OEM™ Embedded Circuit will meet, or exceed the capabilities and accuracy found in all models of benchtop laboratory-grade Dissolved Oxygen meters.
The Dissolved Oxygen OEM™ is an SMBus/I2 C slave device that communicates to a master device at a speed of 10 – 100 kHz. Read and write operations are done by accessing 42 different 8-bit registers.